Headline Art And Illustration
Creating quality illustrations for talented authors. Have your characters stand out. See the imaginary world you created come to life.
Please support new project "Maya and the Monster" for independent publication. You'll get a mention as a supporter of great children's literature.
Maya and the Monster
Written by Trey Jordan
Maya and the Monster is an adventure for both grownups and children. Maya is a little girl who hears spooky sounds one night as she tries to sleep. There is a strange noise form under bed. She makes a decision to find what she thinks is a monster under her bed. She takes her favorite plushie bunny and a flashlight to face the creature that is keeping her from sleeping soundly. What she finds instead of a monster is actually something really quite small. It was not even close to the image in her mind.
The author, Trey Jordan, was inspired by his own experience in facing fears and conquering them. We all have fears and insecurities. Often, we make them bigger than in reality. Maya discovers this in her story. Read Maya’s tale and discover with her the real creature under her bed. You will laugh along with Maya as she uncovers the secret of her fears.
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